About Me

Monday, December 13, 2010

And, once again, I'm back

Upon insistent urging from one of my three followers, I have decided to start writing on my blog again. I am very sorry if I have let you down, but I am a boring person who leads a rather boring life. However, now I have Internet in my classroom at school, so I cannot use that excuse anymore. I shall try to make my boring life mildly exciting for your enjoyment LOL. This is not an official post, just a statement of my return :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Vacation

I absolutely cannot believe that an entire year has gone by since the last time I posted anything. In my defense, I moved to "rural" Missouri, and we don't have Internet at home... so if that's any excuse...

I remember when growing up, summer was always my favorite time of the year. Not at all that I didn't like school, but by the end of May, every kid is ready for a break. My parents always told me, "Enjoy your summer vacation now, because when you grow up and go out into the real world, you don't get the whole summer off." Little did they know...

It is unbelievable to me where this past year has gone. Wasn't it just the first day of school, what happened to our Fall Festival, and wasn't it just our Valentines Day party yesterday?

And then there was Graduation. The day I looked forward to and dreaded all year long. Words cannot describe the pride I felt when my ten students walked across that stage and received their diplomas. There absolutely cannot be sweeter, more special children in the whole world. Hardly an hour would pass that one of them didn't come wrap their arms around me, look up into my eyes and say "Miss Jancy, I love you!" But then, with a shock, I realized that "my students" were no longer mine, they had become first graders. Next year will be a whole new class, eager and ready to learn all that Kindergarten and Miss Jancy has to give them.